Frequently Asked Questions
Does Podcast Inc AI work with both Audio Podcasts and Video Podcasts?
Yes Podcast Inc AI works with both Audio and Video Podcasts. The available file types which can be uploaded include MP3, MP4 and any other common audio and video file formats. If you have a specific file type which we don’t support yet do write to us at support@podcastinc.io and we will surely look into it.
Can we directly use the YouTube URL or any other Podcast RSS Feed URL to provide the Podcast or Video Content for AI?
At this moment we are only working with files which are uploaded from your computer to our servers. In the future we do intend to have the ability to directly put in the web URL for the audio and video file and we can pick up from there.
What are the features which me as regular Podcaster can use to increase my Productivity using Podcast Inc AI?
Getting a complete transcript, getting the Summary of the Podcast using Bullets Verbose, Summary of the Podcast using Bullets, Summary of the Podcast using Paragraph, Headline for the Podcast, Blog for the Podcast, Linkedin Post for the Podcast Summary, FB post for the Podcast Summary, Twitter Post for the Podcast Summary, Instagram Post for the Podcast Summary and finally YouTube Description for the Podcast Summary.
Do you store the data which is being uploaded?
Yes we do store the file uploaded as well as the transcript as well as any of the content generated for the other 8 functions. This allows us to retrieve the content on demand by the users.
Whom can I write to so that I can delete my account and remove all data from Podcast Inc AI?
Write to Podcast Inc at support@podcastinc.io with Subject as “Delete Podcast Inc AI Account” and we will be happy to remove all of your data and delete your account from our servers.
How can you help me with Podcast in case my Podcast need isn’t a part of the feature set currently available?
While we work on expanding the functions of platform if there are adhoc requests you have which you need help with our services team will be more than happy to support you manage the same. As we build new functions on the platform we will be happy to send a note to you and describe the additions.
What are features coming in the roadmap for Podcast Inc AI?
We will be coming up with additional features which will include scheduling your SM posts directly from the platform, Podcast In AI Voice Cloner to create an AI replacement for your voice, Video Editing and refinements platform, pushing episodes to hosting platforms, managing a web presence using AI web builder, automated ad placement into and monetization for your Podcasts and many additional features.
Who is the team behind Podcast Inc?
We have been in the Podcasting industry for the past 3 years and have worked with hundreds of clients as an agency producing and managing world famous Podcasts. We added with quality engineers and AI researchers to create a future proof Podcast Management and Promotion platform.